Calphlex | ||||||||||
Hits:5147 Putdate:2013-5-9 11:26:44 | ||||||||||
Calphlex can be tank mixed with Pervade as a flushing tool to aid in the reduction of excess sodium, chlorides and bicarbonates. NUTRIENT ANALYSIS
APPLICATION:Apply with any equipment that delivers an even coverage to the targeted area. Ideally, Calphlex should be watered in within 6-12 hours.RATE OF APPLICATION:If soil tests show exchangeable calcium greater than 500 ppm, Calphlex should be applied at 3-6 fl oz / 1000 sq ft (10-20 L/ha). Higher rates up to 15 fl oz / 1000 sq ft (50 L/ha) may be necessary for treatment of highly problematic soil conditions.COMPATIBILITY:Calphlex is compatible with all Floratine soil products. Tank mixing should never be attempted with any other product unless definite compatibility is predetermined by using the standard jar test. For best mixing results, remove tank strainer prior to product addition. Shake well before using.FLUSHING :For remediation of excess sodium, bicarbonates and chlorides, use Calphlex at 10-12 fl oz / 1000 sq ft.Addition of Pervade at 2 oz / 1000 sq ft will help facilitate the removal.
Addition of Pervade at 2 oz / 1000 sq ft will help facilitate the removal. |